Monday, May 5, 2008

4 simple steps to manage your finances in God's will

It has been a few days since my last post and I have been busy refining and developing material that can be shared as it relates to ways to manage your money in accordance with God's will. On May 18th, I will be delivering the sermon to St. Marks Church in Knoxville. My planned topic is about money. Since the last post I have hiked Mt. Leconte with my wife Kelly, attended several baseball games, and spent time studying God's word and the role of money in our lives.

Today, I want to share with you the 4 simple steps to managing money and then over the next few days spend time delving into each issue to include a Bible reference and a personal experience that is related.

4 simple steps:
1. Give to God first
2. Give sacrificially to the Lord’s work
3. Lay aside a specific amount for savings
4. Live within the rest of your income

While these things appear to be easy in concept, I am hopeful that you will recognize the realization that I have made during this time away as it relates to money. While we can become good at managing our money, we can always do better. No matter how much I know about money and its proper usage, I can always do better by living on less, giving more, or being more strategic with the resources I have. I am also constantly amazed of how the Bible relates to my life and speaks to me regardless of the issues I am facing. To me, this another sign that the Bible is God's divine work. Have you read any other books that have withstood the changing culture or issues and still speak to you?

While I am certainly not perfect in managing my money in God's will, I am hopeful that I can become more like Christ and bless others with the resources that I have to share.

One of my goals for this year is to work towards becoming an expert on the Bible as it relates to money issues. I am in the process of reading the Bible daily, reading anything and everything related to money, and continuing to seek God's calling for assisting others with their money struggles. I want to document my growth over the next year through this blog. I am hopeful that I can share this information with others that face the same struggles as me and my family.

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